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Wednesday, April 3, 2013

The best RV leveling blocks

Every RVer has to deal with unlevel campsites from time to time. Even if your RV is equipped with a leveling system, some sites are so sloped you just can't get your rig level. This is why RVers carry leveling blocks, also referred to as jack pads, stacker blocks or stabilizer pads. Whatever you call them, they all serve the same purpose: allowing you to level your RV on a sloped campsite. They also help keep jacks from sinking into soft surfaces. Watch this video from the RV Geeks to learn more.


  1. "Utility blocks" appear to be a good product, but if price is a concern, be aware that a single block is $20.00! One can save a few dollars by buying a four-pack, but over that number, the price reverts to per each, i.e., well over a *hundred bucks* for 6 pads!

    I'll stick with Lynx Levelers and homemade wooden blocks.

  2. Where do you purchase these leveling blocks?

    1. At the company's eBay store:

  3. I've been looking for a set of quality blocks - thanks for your review... I'll be looking for those before we leave on the next voyage.

  4. It is probably a quality product but I have to echo a previous comment regarding the cost. Your video talks to what you consider to be outrageous pricing or something to that effect of other blocks/pads. I can't imagine where you've been buying blocks/pads or what you've been paying for them. These are very expensive compared to everything I've seen out there. Your piece would make more sense if you had stated the product cost more but is justified by its quality, utility, and longevity.

    1. I had been looking at sets of four Hosspads ($100-$150), OFL ($160), Summit ($230), Dica ($220-$300) and Bigfoot ($176-300+). These are serious pads designed to be a big step above the cheap plastic ones. I found Utility Blocks to be better designed and way less expensive.

  5. the ad makes you think thay are priced right but at twenty dollars each thay are very costly

  6. The least expensive levelers carried by camping stores are indeed the most well-known, but they aren't really up to the task of leveling larger motorhomes. There are a variety of heavier-duty levelers on the market, including Bigfoot, Dica, Hosspad, and Summit. These start at over $100 for a set of four, and top out at over $300! $69.95 for a set of pads that are arguably better-designed than any of those is a bargain for anyone wanting something more than cheap plastic blocks. We started out with wood blocks, which we built in our stick house before we started full-timing. But they only lasted a year, were very heavy and we no longer have a place or tools to build another set.

  7. RV Geeks, you could have qualified your initial "low priced" comment on these blocks by stating the costs of the alternatives that you said in one of your responses that you used as comparisons. Without a "benchmark", a reader has no way of knowing or comparing relative pricing.

    1. You're right about that. I was definitely thinking like a diesel pusher owner, as opposed to someone who might be pulling a smaller unit that would do fine with basic plastic blocks. I have been looking for quite a while for higher end blocks, and been holding off partly due to the $150-$300 price tag. When I found these blocks, I was thrilled to find them so cheap in comparison to what I'd been seeing. Price is surely relative to what you're used to. To be fair though, I made a lot bigger deal in the video about the quality and functionality of them, and my price motivation was mentioned only briefly. I didn't mention exact pricing in the video because I know how prices change so much, and didn't want that info to be outdated in short order. Thanks for watching and commenting!


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