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Monday, August 1, 2011

Keep those critters out of your RV

You can keep mice and other unwanted critters out of your RV by stuffing some steel wool into any openings to the outside. For smaller cracks that a mouse can squeeze into, fill with caulking.

If you haven't solved the mystery of where they are getting in, place dryer sheets or cotton balls soaked with peppermint oil wherever you spot droppings--if you can tolerate the smell.

But take action immediately. Mice breed quickly, and newborns are ready to breed in just six weeks. If you can't stop the infestation before it gets rampant, you will need to hire an exterminator or hire a herd of cats.

1 comment:

  1. And in case the small critters manage to get inside... give them their last meal: poisoned seeds. Open one box and leave it inside your RV when you close it for winter


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