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Monday, August 8, 2011

Visit the location where Cowboys & Aliens was filmed

If your RV lifestyle includes visiting movie sets, you can visit the created old Western town used in Cowboys and Aliens in Abiquiu (AH-bi-kyoo), a tiny town in north central New Mexico, sixty miles north of Santa Fe.

The filming location is called "Plaza Blanca" and is owned by the Dar al-Islam Mosque and features a canyon of white rock carved over the centuries into a surreal landspace. Several productions have shot there in the past including City Slickers, Young Guns, Wyatt Earp, Earth 2, and The Legend of the Lone Ranger, and more. It is also the location of Ghost Ranch, home of artist Georgia O'Keeffe, now a museum.

Primitive camping is at nearby Abiquiu Lake, where the fishing is reported as excellent.

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