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Monday, January 30, 2012

Can you drive with your propane system on?

There are two kinds of RVers. Those that drive with their propane systems turned off and those that don't. If you are the latter type, there are still some safety precautions that you need to observe.

Whenever you stop, check that your pilot light hasn't blown out from the 60+ mph winds caused by driving on the highway.

Turn your propane off as well as all appliances (frig, furnace, stove) that have pilot lights and anything else that causes a spark, such as igniters (blowing up a gas station will quickly convert you to the former).

It is illegal to drive through many tunnels, over some bridges (mostly long ones), and onto a ferry without turning off your propane, so turn it off before you get there.

If you follow these guidelines, leaving your propane on while driving to run your furnace or cool your refrigerator is perfectly safe--unless you have an accident. Which is another consideration. If this worries you, turn it off. Your food will stay cold for the duration of most trips and you can always put on another sweater.

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