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Tuesday, January 31, 2012

Quick tips for buying the right RV

This is the buying season for RVs. If you are in the market for your first RV, the following tips may help you make the right decision:
  • Attend RV shows and visit many dealers to see as many floor plans as you can.
  • When you're inside a rig, visualize cooking in the kitchen -- is there enough working space? Are the chairs and bed comfortable? Is there sufficient locker space to stow the stuff you want to take along? 
  • Are the sleeping arrangements to your liking? Where will you put visiting family or guests?
  • Is the bathroom adequate? Is there room to sit on the toilet with the door closed? Can you stand up in the shower without bending over?
  • Don't be persuaded to buy a rig just because it's on a dealer's lot and is offered at a discount. After using the rig you will soon forget the discount and remember only whether it was the right choice.
  • Never pay full asking price -- either new or used. Go online to see similar unit pricing. Always negotiate for a discount.
  • With a new vehicle, you can also bargain for a better interest rate -- which could save you thousands over the life of the vehicle. 
  • Make note of all deficiencies and don't take possession of the vehicle until they have been corrected -- even if you have to go back two or three times. You will have much better success accomplishing the corrections before money changes hands than after.
  • If you are a first time buyer, order the Better Business Bureau's DVD "Buying a Recreational Vehicle," or check it out from your library. What you learn could help you find the right RV and also help you avoid a bad buying decision that could haunt you for the life of the RV.   

1 comment:

  1. This is a good article about buying an R.V. I found out first hand that if you find an R.V. and agree on a price, you have to make sure before you sign on the line that the finiance person doesn't slip a large charge of extended
    warranty on to the paper. I had this happen in Las Vagas, NV in 09 at Camping world on S. Las Vegas Blvd. I told the man that I didn't want the extended warranty and later I read the contract and found it added onto the price.I called, spoke to the manager about this and he made an excuse for it. I told him his finiance man was a crook and took advantage of me. I kept calling the finiance man until I got this off of my payments.Sellers and dealers want our money. After you sign and take delivery they want you to disapear into the non existance file.Be careful, Don't trust anyone with your money or finiances.


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