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Sunday, January 8, 2012

Technology is changing the way we read and keep books

A sunny, warm afternoon in a camp chair with a good book is for many an important part of their RV lifestyle. And it's hard for some RVers to part with their book collection, even after they've read them, which then becomes a weight and space issue as books are physical things.

But technology is changing how we read books. Though e-readers have been around for a few years, they have continued to gain readers' acceptance, forcing prices down to where for the price of three or four books you can own one.

Then you can load digital books by the hundreds into your e-reader to read whenever you want--and never again have to be concerned with weight or the space that paper books take up. Put your fiction on the reader and save the book case for the reference and how to books.


  1. The problem is that most of the books I like to re-read (i.e. my permanent library) aren't available in digital form. I have converted to paperbacks but I still carry about 200 of them.

  2. Another great thing about ebooks is it is much easier to read them than a paper book if your eyesight is not that great. You can adjust the text size as needed and e-ink is easier on the eyes. I can read for hours now!

    There is also software you can download free to your computer from Amazon and Barnes and Noble to read ebooks if you don't have a reader yet.


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