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Sunday, January 8, 2012

Bulk food purchasing and repacking boxed stores saves space and waste

Much of what we buy in grocery stores comes in packages that are used more for advertising the contents than for containing them. You can cut down on some of your food bill by switching whenever possible to dry food sold in grocery stores' help-yourself bins, items such as rice, pasta, cereals, dried fruit, snacks, and other dry stores.

Store them in clear, rectangular plastic containers that you can fit together like a 3-D jigsaw puzzle to fit compactly in your cabinets, saving storage space and packaging waste that will end up in a landfill. You can also repackage those items you can't find in bulk in plastic containers to save space as well.


  1. Better yet to store the unused portion use plastic bags or the inserts that come with cereal etc. When the package is open, seal the top with a clamp or clothes pin of some kind to keep the unused portion fresh. As the product is used the space needed to store it will diminish but not so with plastic box containers.

  2. The problem with using plastic bags is that mice can make short work of them. By the time you find you have picked up a small furry hitchhiker, they are well underway invading your food stores. The mice would have a much harder time chewing through a hard plastic container, and I have read the recommendation of using hard plastic containers for the specific purpose of keeping mice out of your food stores.

  3. For single use plastic bags, you can actually recycle them. You can make yarns out of those plastics. You can also make decors that can be used during Christmas season. By the way, it's always a good move to use paper bag when shopping or going to the mall.


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