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Sunday, October 28, 2012

Quick checks for no-start RV water heaters

Getting away with the RV is supposed to be relaxing. There's nothing that can drive you crazy like a malfunctioning water heater. Can't get it to light? Here are a few quick things to check:

If you recently changed LP tanks, or had the tanks turned off for a while, it's possible you may have air in the LP lines. Light one of your range top burners and let it burn for a few seconds. You can be especially suspicious of air in those lines if it takes a bit of doing to get the burner to light--just let the gas flow and keep a flame next to it.

Coaxed all the air out of the lines but still can't get your water heater lit? Step outside, open the water heater door and take a good look-see. Ensure that there's nothing in there that shouldn't be there. Mud daubing wasps and spiders have a penchant for putting nests or webs over propane burner orifices.

Have someone switch on the water heater. If you don't hear the "click click" or "snap snap" of the spark that ignites the gas, shut off the switch and check electrical components for tightness. If you see any corrosion on a connector, take it loose and sand it with fine sand paper.

Got your own RVing quick tip you'd like to share? Drop a line to Russ (atsign) Please include photos where appropriate.  

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